EmpowerThe Lincoln Series provides the tools, knowledge and statewide network to help Republican women in Illinois become purposeful leaders.
LeadThe Lincoln Series works to increase the number of Republican women in elected and appointed governmental and political positions.
InspireMore than 230 Lincoln Series graduates have gone on to serve in various roles in government, policy and/or campaigns.
How will you EMPOWER, LEAD and INSPIRE?
Empowering the Women of Today
With the vision of encouraging more women to run for office and/or serve in governmental and political positions, The Lincoln Series is the premier educational and preparatory leadership program for Republican Women.
What makes The Lincoln Series unique? This elite program offers two ways, the Leadership Track and the Empowerment Track, for Republican women to be involved no matter their schedule or level of experience. Together these two tracks empower women in Illinois with the tools, knowledge and statewide network to become purposeful leaders. Members enjoy many benefits, such as:
LEADERSHIP TRACKThis annual program will introduce you to the intricacies of each level of government and campaigns, while opening the door to possible public service career paths. Lincoln Series Fellows attend classes one weekend per month, and meet with elected leaders in our state and nation's capitals beginning in August and ends with graduation in June each year. Only a limited number will be accepted into this elite public service leadership training program.
EMPOWERMENT TRACKAll are welcome to become a member of our statewide network to help Republican women in Illinois become purposeful leaders. Attend campaign trainings for candidates, operatives and volunteers, as well as lectures on key political topics and statewide and regional networking events. Receive newsletters about women leaders, campaign tips and stories promoting Republican women in Illinois.
Support The Lincoln Series
The Lincoln Series is committed to being the premier educational and preparatory training program for Republican women in Illinois. This elite program empowers women with the tools, knowledge and statewide network to become purposeful leaders in elected and appointed offices and party leadership. Members will enjoy many benefits, including a centralized effort dedicated to providing them the support they need as well as cultivating opportunities, sisterhood and inspiration for members' long-term involvement and professional growth.
Please consider supporting our efforts and we thank you in advance for your financial support.
Please consider supporting our efforts and we thank you in advance for your financial support.
The Lincoln Series is a 527 organization registered with the IRS. Contributions to the organization are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions. The Lincoln Series can raise unlimited funds from individuals, corporations or labor unions, and we are required to disclose these contributions and expenditures.